Dear all,

I'm looking for community consensus about minibus routes (public transport 
routes which are operated by light passenger vehicles of roughly 8 to 20 seats 
with no standing allowed in general). As of present, there are two kinds of 
tagging for minibus routes:

A. route=minibus (~30 routes around the world)
B. route=bus & bus=minibus (~300 routes around the world)

None of the tags seem to have widespread usage.

Currently I can't see any renderer support for both tagging. For option A, no 
renderer shows them at all. For option B, they are shown as regular bus routes.

Moreover, I can think of different regulatory scenarios, which may match the 
different usage:

X. The minibus services are regulated as a separate class of service to 
full-sized bus routes, with different operators, network and fare structures, 
which may even with numbers overlapping (e.g. a minibus route 25 and another 
full sized bus route 25 serving the same area)

Y. The minibus services form a part of the bus network but with distinct 
identities (e.g. a range of numbers reserved for minibus routes and another 
range for full sized bus routes, with different fare scales but still in the 
integrated ticket structure)

Z. There are no distinction in the branding between bus and minibus services, 
the vehicle used mainly depend on the environment.

Tagging A will match scenario X and tagging B will match scenario Z, with 
scenario Y in between in my thinking.

I'm looking for input how other people map their minibus routes, and how are 
their routes regulated.


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