> I took a first stab at the draft rules.


It is essentially taken from the New York Wikimedia bylaws:
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_New_York_City/Bylaws There are
specific legal text we need in the bylaws and I figured it made sense to
start from somewhere that probably already had it.

Does anyone have any legal contacts?  I have a friend who could probably at
least read the bylaws and give that sort of advice.  When we incorporated in
D.C. for another non-profit we just needed a couple hours of legal advice to
make sure we hadn't missed anything.

I suppose that is another important question, where should we incorporate.
 Someone has to leave where we incorporate at least in my D.C. experience so
that we have a "registered agent." Essentially a contact who lives in the

-Kate Chapman
Talk-us-bayarea mailing list

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