Morning everyone,

Thanks to Victor for bringing this back up.

I've been trying to get Ian's script working, but the sad truth is I
just don't know python. At some point, I'll try and learn it, but
today's not that day.

In my experience working with GIS data from a few sources even in one
city, Victor's comments about fields in the being created by whoever
created the dataset are correct - if there are standards, no one I know
follows them. Also, he's right about the data types - shapefiles come in
three flavors, point (x,y) line, and polygon. I do think that having
street shapes in one polygon file and street information (name, one way,
last time resurfaced, etc) in a separate line shapefile (street center
line) is common if not standard.

In the short term, if those of you who know python well could comment
the script and provide some basic documentation, I would have more of an
idea about how to get the script working on my data. For example, making
it clear where I specify which field has the street name.

In the longer term, a QGIS plugin to work with or export to OSM would be
amazing. I'd love to help out however I can, but again, I don't know how
to write python scripts.


> First of all, it seems that a generic Shapefile-to-OSM script is
> impossible to write without writing a conversion application around it.
> The reason I say this is because shapefile feature attributes are set by
> whoever is compiling the data, and they are probably quite different
> between counties/locations. For example, my county's street centerline
> data has attributes like "STNAME", "STYPE", "DIR_SUF", etc. Some other
> county's data will have completed different names. Seems to me that this
> makes it impossible to automate the task of mapping Shapefile attributes
> to OSM tags. The conversion script user would have to specify this
> mapping. Is that right?
> The other issue I suspect is that the conversion process would be
> different for street centerline data versus, say, police station
> location or parks and recreation areas. Street centerline data is stored
> as a PolyLine shape type in the Shapefile, while police station
> locations are Points, and parks are Polygons. Is that right?
> I am not saying that it is not possible to write a fairly complete
> application to analyze the shape file and present the user with choices
> for mapping feature attributes to OSM tags. I just want to get others'
> views on the issues involved in a conversion script.
> One more point... Can anyone comment on advantages/dissadvantages of
> adding an OSM export plugin for something like MapWindow
> <>, QGIS <>, Mapnik
> <>or some other GIS application?
> Victor
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