Obviously some heated feelings involved for some regarding their hard work
being messed up.  This is understandable, and I believe understood by Dave
as well.
To my knowledge the original tiger, and plans for this import will not
delete ANY user created ways.  That is why there are 2 ways in some areas as
noted.  It is up to the people mapping those areas to determine the
suitability of the ways and delete/merge the different versions.

In my research to try and do some importing myself I read back to the
previous tiger import discussions.  As I understand it, the original import
skipped entirely counties that had very much previous user content.  Others
that only had a little he imported the tiger data, but did not do anything
to the existing data.  Now, your definition of of where to draw that line is
obviously objective, but seems like a reasonable compromise.  It allows the
active mappers to finish counties where they have been active, and just do
cleanup/review in the counties that had both user and tiger data.

Now were looking at a new tiger update.  This gets more complicated, and
Dave has stated he has not figured out how he will handle it yet.  My
feeling is it will involve a lot of node and way comparisons between the
existing data, the old tiger data, and the 2007 data.  But first he has to
extract as much usable data into the OSM format and tags, which is the stage
he is on now.

I think that if the old tiger data is unchanged, there is no problem
deleting it and replacing it with the 2007 data.  If possible on a way, or
even node by node check rather than a county wide level.
Anywhere the tiger data has been modified or deleted, skip those nodes and
ways on the new import.  We will also need to look for places that user ways
overlap with tiger data.  If possible decide to import and overlay, or skip
those ways.

Dale Puch
Talk-us mailing list

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