On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Milenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hey all,
>         I've been trying to get a local ROMA server working and I've run into 
> an issue with getting osmosis working.  I've patched osmosis as per the 
> instructions on the wiki 
> (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Read_Only_Map_API), but when I 
> import data into the pgsql database, I'm still seeing statements in the db 
> log files that reference commands taken out by the patch.  One specific 
> command is "UPDATE ways SET bbox = (SELECT Envelope(Collect(geom)) FROM nodes 
> JOIN way_nodes ON way_nodes.node_id = nodes.id WHERE way_nodes.way_id = 
> ways.id)", seen in PostgreSqlWriter.java.  I've verified that it's removed 
> from that file but it still runs when I try to import data.  This command 
> takes days when trying to import the full planet.
>         Anyone have any idea how this is happening?  I've searched every file 
> in the osmosis directory and can't find that command, and yet it still 
> somehow gets run during the import.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -Jeremy
> Are you sure you're actually executing your patched version and not an
unpatched version that's somewhere on your path?
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