On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Scott Atwood
> I have noticed that for the U.S. map, state boundaries only appear at a zoom
> level 9 or higher,  and at zoom levels 9 and 10 they render exactly the same
> as county boundaries.   Then county boundaries disappear at zoom level 12
> and beyond.
> Personally, for the United States, I think state boundaries should be
> rendered much more prominently, starting at least at zoom level 5, and
> always more prominently than county borders.   Of course, I also think
> country borders should be rendered more prominently as well...

I agree in some sense, but wanted to inform how the state boundries
are tagged (because I did it).

In addition to border_type=state, they are tagged with the admin
levels found here:


I believe it's the admin levels that the renderers are working from
(have not checked osmarender or mapnik rules).  Thus while certainly
states are very prominate parts to Americans, they won't be rendered
with any more prominence than the equivalent (but to us less
prominent) divisions in other countries.



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