On Thu, 2008-12-25 at 23:22 +1100, Justin Adler wrote:
> Hi folks,
> quick question about this Tiger lines and OSM.
> 1) Are there any import scripts out there which are not rails or php?
> something in .NET maybe?


> 2) Do the tiger lines have the following data (which could then be imported 
> into OSM) :
>    a) State shapes (eg. California, New York (state), Illinois, etc)
>    b) County shapes (eg. Cook County (IL), DuPage County (IL) etc)
>    c) City shapes (eg. San Fran, Boston, Chicago, etc.)
>    d) Suburbs (eg. Oak Brook (Chicago), Naperville (Chicago), etc)
>    e) Neighbourhoods (eg. Tribeca (NYC), Chelsea (NYC)


> 3) Does OSM have this data?


-- Dave

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