On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:24:21AM -0600, Ian Dees wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Christopher Schmidt <
> crschm...@metacarta.com> wrote:
> >
> > What script did you use for doing the polygons themselves? Did i t
> > support splitting of large polygons into smaller ways?
> >
> Chris, I was thinking about how to implement this in my shp-to-osm convertor
> thing. Is it enough to just split the ways and have shared nodes (with the
> next way) at either end? Does a relation need to be defined?

I don't think either is enough. In order for things to render correctly,
the standard way when tracing is to create smaller closed polygons --
the Charles River is a set of 10 or so, I believe.

I don't know enough about water to know if other things will work, but I
do know that the 0.6 API switch will 'split' any way over 2000 nodes;
perhaps there is some documentation related to that talking about what
will be one or how to wavoid problems...

Christopher Schmidt

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