On Feb 26, 2009, at 5:37 PM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 05:29:21PM -0500, Russ Nelson wrote:
>> Please read the NASA Open Source License.  In it you will very  
>> clearly
>> find the position that FedGov-produced works are not copyrightable  
>> FOR
>> US CITIZENS.  That license is written as FedGov works ARE copyrighted
>> for everyone else.
> Arguing the finer points of copyright law when you're not a lawyer is
> foolish. I apologize for appealing to common sense.

You *do* know that Abraham Lincoln never went to law school, right?   
The idea that the law is only for lawyers is similar to the idea that  
coding is only for CS graduates (and since I'm not one ... you can be  
sure that I don't support that idea).

> I apologize for not sending this discussion to legal-talk earlier;  
> now I
> feel the need to unsubscribe from *this* list as well as that one.

It sounds like you'd prefer not to talk about such matters here.  That  
is meet, right, and proper.  I will desist.

Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - http://openstreetmap.org/user/RussNelson

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