On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:

> Karl Newman wrote:
> > *Avoid duplicate copies of messages?*
> >
> > When you are listed explicitly in the To: or Cc: headers of a list
> > message, you can opt to not receive another copy from the mailing list.
> > Select /Yes/ to avoid receiving copies from the mailing list; select
> > /No/ to receive copies.
> >
> > If the list has member personalized messages enabled, and you elect to
> > receive copies, every copy will have a X-Mailman-Copy: yes header added
> > to it.
> This does not work:  What about gmane users?

I don't really know how gmane works from a posting perspective (e.g., do you
have to be subscribed to the mailing list to be able to post from gmane,
like you do on nabble?), but on http://gmane.org/post.php I found this:
What address is used? The news-to-mail authorization script uses the From
header to determine who's sent the message. If the Reply-To header exists,
that header is used instead. If you wish From to take precedence over
Reply-To, insert a non-empty Gmane-From header as well.

If you wish to redirect replies to your messages back to the mailing list,
add a Mail-Copies-To: never header to your messages. That will result in a
Mail-Followup-To header being generated by Gmane. These headers are heeded
by quite a few mail readers.

If you add a Reply-To header to your messages that points to a mailing list,
the message will be silently dropped.


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