In the past few weeks that I've been working with OSM, I've noticed that
routing is broken in my area due to duplicate nodes in ways around
administrative borders.  I have been using the Validator plugin in JOSM to
assist with identifying and correcting the duplicate nodes.  I have verified
that routing is working after removing the duplicate nodes and joining the
ways.  Now, I would like to create a script that would assist with
identifying and correcting the issue.  Here's some of the issues that I see
with accomplishing this task.

1.  I know that there is currently a project that is removing TIGER tags
from all nodes in the US.  I'm curious to know if possibly this project's
scope includes removing duplicate nodes?  If so, I would like to know how I
can help.

2.  I saw a project for removing duplicate nodes in the Massachusetts area.
Possibly, I could piggy-back with the folks on that project.  If you work on
this project and would like to discuss this further, please contact me.

3.  Does anyone know where I can find the source code to the validator
plugin for JOSM?  I was thinking I could take that code and replicate the
procedure into my script.

4.  I'm curious to know if anyone has any concerns/objections to going
through with this task?  If there is some other project going on that is
working towards this goal, I would appreciate talking with you and seeing
what I can do to assist with a common goal.

Thanks for your help!
Travis Rayhons
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