
I'm pretty tired at the moment, but I knew there had to be a reason why SHP2OSM 
kept erroring out when I tried to translate the fields instead of copy them. 

I'll try and locate the correct version tomorrow.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Dees <>

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 22:44:53 
To: Chris Hunter<>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Need help with SHP2OSM Rules file

I was working on those exact same files and accidentally released a version
of shp-to-osm that uses "contains" instead of "equals" for string
comparison. Download the 2nd-newest version of shp-to-osm and when your
rules.txt line looks for a certain key, it will pick it up if the shapefile
contains (instead of equals) your search string.

Forgive me if that doesn't make too much sense, I'm pretty tired.

Bottom line: try using the second-to-newest released .zip and you'll be able
to do something like this in the rules file:


and (in your example), your .osm output should have all three tags on that

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Chris Hunter <> wrote:

> I'm doing some preliminary work on making the state park data from the
> Minnesota DNR available to the map.  I've sliced up the state park
> boundaries and trails into small enough chunks for JOSM to handle, but I'm
> having difficulties with my rules.txt file.
> It may be a silly question, but does the search string in my RULES.TXT have
> to be an exact match for the program to apply the tags and values I want?
> The info in the WIKI and the README file wasn't very clear.
> Here's an example field:
> (B=Hiking permitted, C=Horses Permitted, and H=Snowshoes permitted)
> Can I just create 1 separate line for each of the attribute abbreviations,
> or does SHP2OSM require a line for each attribute in each possible
> permutation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Hunter
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