Hi all,

I'll be giving an Introduction to OpenStreetMap talk at Ohio LinuxFest
in Columbus, OH on Friday 25 September 2009.  There will also be an
OSM exhibit at the conference on Saturday 26 September 2009.  I'd love
to have your help!

It would be great to see you for any and all of the following:

1) attend my talk on Friday, at 1:00pm - 1:55pm.  Let's paper the hall
and make sure they get a bigger room for OSM next year. ;-)
2) hang around and meet and greet after the talk.  Help the the
curious newcomers with their questions.
3) attend the conference on Saturday.  Ohio LinuxFest is always great.
 Fantastic speakers; compelling talks; and an awesome community.  Free
registration!  [1]
4) help me out at the OpenStreetMap booth at the conference.  Pledge
one hour (or more) of your time answering questions at the booth.  Let
me get off my feet for a few minutes. ;-)

Also, if you are a Columbus resident, I have started a Columbus Meetup
group for OpenStreetMap[2].  Please consider joining the meetup and
spreading the word to others in Central Ohio.  Surely there are three
or four OSM-ers in Columbus who can get this meetup to pick up steam
and really thrive.

I can't wait to meet you in Columbus,

Best regards,

[1] free registration for Ohio LinuxFest https://www.ohiolinux.org/register
[2] http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Columbus

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