Yes, that was helpful, thanks Bill.

So, as mentioned before, we should probably set a time to plan a conference
call so we can start to make some decisions. Does anyone have access to a
conference call service? I do not.

I would say a tentative agenda is:

1. decide where we plan to incorporate (I think we can request proposals to
be listed on the wiki prior and establish a way to vote on it).
2. allocating legal assistance
3. est. a timeline for ratifying draft rules
4. closer look at OSMF local chapter agreement
5. finances-- begin discussing membership types/fees/accounting
6. board selection - begin discussing process for electing board members,
and early nominations
7. and....

Also, if anyone has connections at wikimedia ( I have some I can try to work
on), it would probably be helpful to have someone from there who has already
gone through a similar process to be on our call or for one of us to report
back to the group with their suggestions/advice.


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:48 AM, SteveC <> wrote:

> Really interesting post, thanks
> On 29 Sep 2009, at 20:10, Bill Ricker wrote:
>> If your are going to incorporate at a national level, please look at
>> examples of good and bad examples in the FOSS community.
>> GrokLaw linked to this discussion, which has relevance outside its own
>> niche.
>> Bill
> Yours &c.
> Steve
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