On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Sam Vekemans

> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Dale Puch <dale.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Reasonably easy to do yourself with Ian's java shp-to-osm.  The worst part
>> I have had was county wide osm converted tiger files in JOSM.  But tat can
>> be avoided several ways.
>> http://redmine.yellowbkpk.com/projects/list_files/geo  Attached is an old
>> rules file I used as an example.  Be sure to change the source field.
> For your country-wide shp files.. are they actually USA.shp ; USA.shx
> USA.dbf ??
> or is it broken down into states / counties / regions. .... or smart nts
> rectangles like Canada? :-)

Tiger files are broken up as small as counties.  Some data spans the whole
US, or states as well though.  But these are manageable amounts of data like
state boarders, or zip codes.

> As i dont know if ians script can handle the size of files for the big shp
> file, i tahink that openJUMP can slice the SHP files in any why you like...
> then just saveAS each as a 1/4 size .shp file  and run shp-to-osm that way,
> (running a separate command line for each of the 4 files)    ... anyone know
> if thats possable?

I don't remember what the limit would be, but I think it is the memory set
for use in java on the command line.  But I don't know if it is a direct
correlation of file size to memory.
He did add an option that splits the output into fixed sized files.  So
breaking up the data into manageable chunks isn't required any longer :)

> A side note, with JOSM is there a waty to copy from one layer to another
>> while maintaining position?  I have done it a few times in the past with
>> copy and paste and then repositioning, but I would prefer to maintain the
>> exact position.
>> Thats 'select the way you want to copy.  then you have to 'edit/copy'
> (ctrl-c doesn't work).
> then change the layer to the data.osm layer and make it active.   then
> edit-paste.   and its in the same position.
> I also, (for consistancy), go back to the roads.osm layer and select
> edit-delete.  then hide that layer and go back to the data.osm layer and
> make it active and upload.

Ahh that will help a lot! Thanks.

> This way, i keep track of what roads i have uploaded.   (at least
> logically).   then if i want to save it and work on it later, i saveAS that
> roads.osm file to 'roads-less-some.osm'  so then i know that the file is my
> working.
> If i have a team working on the area.. i can then share this smaaller file
> with the group.
> Also, by manually selecting the top half of the roads.osm file (may take a
> while to select).  and (edit-delete)  then open up the roads.osm file again
> and  select the bottom half, and edit / delete)   you now have 2 smaller
> files to play with.
> Dale
>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Sam Vekemans <
>> acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is anyone just simply running a country wide diff set from 2008 tiger,
>>> and then converting the files into  .osm format and simply making them
>>> available, so local area mappers can claim their areas and copy-in
>>> what ever they wish?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sam
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>> Dale Puch
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Also I posted the tiger-rules.txt sample on the wiki for wider access.

Dale Puch
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