> My apologies if this has already been reported to the dev mailing 
> list, but I've been running up against a critical/showstopper bug in 
> JOSM 2417 for the past few days.
> Can someone please try and duplicate this "precondition failed" bug:
> http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/3884
> Here is the chain of events that seems to cause the most frequent 
> problems:
> 1. Download and edit a small area (1 square mile or so).
> 2. Move along a way that was just edited, and download another small area.
> 3. Upload changes, but leave the changeset open. - Error may occur at 
> this point.
> 4. Download and edit some more small areas along the same way.
> 5. Attempt to upload the new changes using the open changeset - Error 
> *WILL* occur at this point.
> Depending on if the validator plugin is installed or not, you may also 
> get a slew of warning messages about duplicate nodes.

I confirm the issue with 2417. I have it when downloading small areas 
along my GPS tracks. A lot of ways come in "empty" (with 0 nodes) which 
causes problems later for the validator and when trying to upload my work.

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