Well at least in theory, TIGER 2009 is positionally much more
accurate.  Theory.  I reserve judgement either way.

Peter Batty writes:
 > Russ, I think you misunderstood my comment. I am in the "TIGER import is a
 > good thing" camp. But in the areas I have worked in it has needed a fair bit
 > of minor positional cleanup. My point is that in those cases where you need
 > to graphically adjust a street, I don't want to have to edit three or more
 > ways because there are additional address ways on either side of the street.
 > On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com> wrote:
 > > Anthony writes:
 > >  > On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Peter Batty <peter.ba...@gmail.com>
 > > wrote:
 > >  > > I'm coming a bit late to this debate, but I just wanted to raise
 > >  > > a fairly basic question, which is whether the Karlsruhe schema is
 > >  > > the best one to use in the situation we find ourselves in with
 > >  > > TIGER, where quite a bit of data cleanup is anticipated.
 > >
 > > Peter, I have to challenge you on this.  *Some* TIGER data needs quite
 > > a bit of cleanup.  *Some* TIGER data is already in good shape, and the
 > > only fixes needed are 1) joining at county borders and 2) unjoining at
 > > bridges.  Just for grins, I looked at Ogdensburg, NY.  Been there a
 > > few dozen times and hadn't done any editing (uploading as I send
 > > this).
 > >
 > > Frankly, I see very little that needs correcting, and all the usual
 > > stuff that needs to be added ... which would need to be added without
 > > the TIGER data.  Like footpaths, buildings, POIs.
 > >
 > > So yeah, a lot of work above and beyond TIGER.  It's not like there's
 > > a shortage of improvements.  It's ridiculous to claim that the TIGER
 > > import has caused anybody to not edit.  If it has, then we've failed
 > > to explain exactly how wonderful OSM can look when it's "fully"
 > > populated.
 > >
 > >  > I signed up for the "USA 'conversion team'" with the express intention
 > >  > of challenging the use of the Karlsruhe schema.
 > >
 > > Anthony, what is your design?  How is it better than Karlsruhe?  Is it
 > > in the wiki yet, so the rest of us can see it?
 > >
 > > --
 > > --my blog is at    http://blog.russnelson.com
 > > Crynwr supports open source software
 > > 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-323-1241
 > > Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  |     Sheepdog
 > >
 > -- 
 > Peter Batty - President, Spatial Networking
 > W: +1 303 339 0957  M: +1 720 346 3954
 > Blog: http://geothought.blogspot.com
 > Russ, I think you misunderstood my comment. I am in the &quot;TIGER import 
 > is a good thing&quot; camp. But in the areas I have worked in it has needed 
 > a fair bit of minor positional cleanup. My point is that in those cases 
 > where you need to graphically adjust a street, I don&#39;t want to have to 
 > edit three or more ways because there are additional address ways on either 
 > side of the street.<br>
 > <br><div class="gmail_quote">On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Russ Nelson 
 > <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a 
 > href="mailto:nel...@crynwr.com";>nel...@crynwr.com</a>&gt;</span> 
 > wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 
 > .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
 > <div class="im">Anthony writes:<br>
 >  &gt; On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Peter Batty &lt;<a 
 > href="mailto:peter.ba...@gmail.com";>peter.ba...@gmail.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
 >  &gt; &gt; I&#39;m coming a bit late to this debate, but I just wanted to 
 > raise<br>
 >  &gt; &gt; a fairly basic question, which is whether the Karlsruhe schema 
 > is<br>
 >  &gt; &gt; the best one to use in the situation we find ourselves in with<br>
 >  &gt; &gt; TIGER, where quite a bit of data cleanup is anticipated.<br>
 > <br>
 > </div>Peter, I have to challenge you on this.  *Some* TIGER data needs 
 > quite<br>
 > a bit of cleanup.  *Some* TIGER data is already in good shape, and the<br>
 > only fixes needed are 1) joining at county borders and 2) unjoining at<br>
 > bridges.  Just for grins, I looked at Ogdensburg, NY.  Been there a<br>
 > few dozen times and hadn&#39;t done any editing (uploading as I send<br>
 > this).<br>
 > <br>
 > Frankly, I see very little that needs correcting, and all the usual<br>
 > stuff that needs to be added ... which would need to be added without<br>
 > the TIGER data.  Like footpaths, buildings, POIs.<br>
 > <br>
 > So yeah, a lot of work above and beyond TIGER.  It&#39;s not like 
 > there&#39;s<br>
 > a shortage of improvements.  It&#39;s ridiculous to claim that the TIGER<br>
 > import has caused anybody to not edit.  If it has, then we&#39;ve failed<br>
 > to explain exactly how wonderful OSM can look when it&#39;s 
 > &quot;fully&quot;<br>
 > populated.<br>
 > <div class="im"><br>
 >  &gt; I signed up for the &quot;USA &#39;conversion team&#39;&quot; with the 
 > express intention<br>
 >  &gt; of challenging the use of the Karlsruhe schema.<br>
 > <br>
 > </div>Anthony, what is your design?  How is it better than Karlsruhe?  Is 
 > it<br>
 > in the wiki yet, so the rest of us can see it?<br>
 > <div><div></div><div class="h5"><br>
 > --<br>
 > --my blog is at    <a href="http://blog.russnelson.com"; 
 > target="_blank">http://blog.russnelson.com</a><br>
 > Crynwr supports open source software<br>
 > 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-323-1241<br>
 > Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  |     Sheepdog<br>
 > </div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Peter Batty - 
 > President, Spatial Networking<br>W: +1 303 339 0957  M: +1 720 346 
 > 3954<br>Blog: <a 
 > href="http://geothought.blogspot.com";>http://geothought.blogspot.com</a><br>
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