Alan Mintz <> writes:

> With regard to apartment complexes, condo complexes, mobile home complexes, 
> and gated single-family-home complexes, I usually tag:
> - The ways that cross the boundary line from public street into the complex 
> are highway=service*** + service=driveway. These are also role=access in 
> the relation.
> - Other roads completely internal to the complex are highway=service***
> - If it is a gated community and/or there is a legal no-trespassing 
> posting, additionally tag all roads and other features within the posted 
> area as access=private.
> *** I have sometimes used highway=residential instead of highway=service 
> when the roads are named, have actual postal addresses along them, and 
> clearly up to public road standards (width, surface, maintenance, etc.). 
> This would apply to some condo and most gated single-family-home complexes.
> I rarely draw driveways into businesses or, even more rarely, single-family 
> home lots. If I do, they are highway=service + service=driveway, with 
> access=private if gated or posted no-trespassing.

This is an excellent description of more or less what I was trying to
say (but didn't so well), and I think it would be a good addition to
formal tagging guidelines.

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