On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 12:07 -0500, James Umbanhowar wrote:
> Does anyone know why the area around around Raton, NM looks like it is 
> melting?  I don't think it even renders in Osmarender.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=36.93134&lon=-104.46384&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF

You have a couple of nodes that aren't quite in NM any more in some of
those ways:

  <node id='141799398' timestamp='2009-12-07T02:23:16Z' uid='131218'
user='Chris CA' visible='true' version='5' lat='89.624567'
lon='-104.4524709' />

Looks closer to Santa than to New Mexico.

-- Dave

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