On 01/30/2010 12:30 PM, Leroy E Leonard wrote:
> Some specific questions:
> 1. Do we need the ref tag for the way when we have the two relations
> with the same info?

Mapnik renders shields from the ref tag on the way, so yes.

> 2. Should the ref tag in the US 278 relation really be "US 278" or simply 
> "278"?

In the relation, it should be 278.  On the ways the ref tag should be
“US 278; US:GA 10”

> Philosophical questions:
> 3. This road never renders with shields. Should it? Is it a problem of
> tagging, rendering, or false expectations?

Only mapnik renders the shields, and then it uses the ref tag from the
way.  It also generally renders shields at a closer zoom than one might
expect.  So probably a mixture of all 3.

> 4. (Related to question 1) when we have duplicate information in ways
> and relations, is there a reason to having it duplicated or should it
> be moved to the relation?

Yes.  Renderers may pull their information from one source or another,
so it’s useful to have it in all places that a renderer might want.

Hope this helps.
-Alex Mauer “hawke”

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