On 2/8/10 5:57 PM, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
quite. the format for ref in relations is very clear, for example


Don't think this is clear. US:I is wrong, the network is only I. Any consumer application can figure out that it is in US by itself. as an example mkgmap currently supports custom shields and does it based on the way refs. But with US:I an application has to filter the US: specifically for this kind of network which isn't used anywhere else. if you think the state, country info is needed as a tag use is_in or an addr:* tag combining different values in a single tag makes it too complicated to consume data.
there is a major disconnect between what people think is "right" and what the wiki calls for. from


we see:

network=US:I, US:I:BUSINESS, US:I:DOWNTOWN, US:I:FUTURE Required. Business, downtown and future routes have their own signage


ref=*                                     Required. ex. 90

and many people have been busy building relations to fit this specification.

from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_States_Numbered_Highway_Relations

ref=*     ex. 20

and so forth.

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