Alright then, I'm throwing my hat into the ring...

I accept the nomination to run for the temporary board of the U.S. Chapter
of OSM.

I have been active in the Washington OSM community since late 2008. I have
both helped organize and participate mapping parties in the Washington, DC
area, contributed to the local OSM-based MappingDC effort (with particular
attention to the Arlington County side of the metropolis). My particular
interest is on capturing hyperlocal features that may be useful at a
neighborhood or community level but aren't captured elsewhere. I believe OSM
is unparalleled as a platform for enabling citizens at every level of
ability to collect and use that data. Because of that interest, I have been
an active contributor to the conference calls to organize the US Chapter.

As a board member, I would act to stand up an OSM chapter that reflects the
unique needs of the US and remains faithful to the vision of OpenStreetMap.
I expect to launch an organization that will engage in community building,
outreach to government agencies, grass roots organizations, and inspired
individuals with a passion for creating usable public geographic

Thanks for your consideration,

"Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans." -Empedocles

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