On Mar 3, 2010, at 11:53 AM, SteveC wrote:

> If we're throwing the 1st amendment out the door, can the moderators at least 
> post to the list when you decide something is not allowable on your 
> arbitrary(?) scale of bad speech, and why? Then we all have transparency.

/me waits to see if I get moderated for 'disagreeing with Serge' :-) :-) :-)

> Yours &c.
> Steve
> On Mar 3, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Dave Hansen <d...@sr71.net> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 17:57 +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>>>> Serge Wroclawski wrote:
>>>>> Most people know what professional behavior is, and if things get out
>>>>> of hand, we'll talk to them. Semi-moderated means at first, all post
>>>>> and all people will be moderated. Over time, we'll probably get go of
>>>>> the reins a bit
>>>> Ok. I would like to be part of a professional OSM mailing list but not
>>>> one that is moderated. I guess I'll just ask for a second, unmoderated
>>>> list to be created ;-)
>>> If things ever got severely out of control on talk-us, I think I'd be OK
>>> with switching the moderation bit on.
>> Several people specifically asked me for a fully moderated list.
>> Full moderation is all messages, all the time.
>> I don't think that's either feasible or necessary. People can
>> generally behave like adults.
>> At the same time, knowing this request and the reason for it, I
>> understood their concerns and wanted to let them know that this list,
>> unlike t...@openstreetmaup, would be monitored for behavior And if
>> something happens, there's the understanding that the list is
>> moderated and so no one feels bad if all messages are moderated while
>> things get sorted out.
>> The alternatives appeal to me far less:
>> 1) We don't say anything. We say "This is a new list" and then there
>> are arbitrary decisions about moderation, or kicking people off.  I
>> don't think this is a friendly way to run a community.
>> 2) We fully moderate the list, all the time. That's no good.. It just
>> makes communication stilted. Even though it's what I was asked for,
>> it's too burdensome.
>> 3) We don't do any moderation.  Well, we have a list like this already
>> and it's been a problem for us, keeping us from making meaningful
>> connections with other communities. Governments and child-friendly
>> non-profits want some assurance that a list will be "safe", so this is
>> what I'm trying to do.
>> Nothing I do is going to satisfy everyone's requirements, but this
>> list isn't about the existing OSM community as much as a new group of
>> folks who want to be gently introduced to the project.  Working with
>> these people is valuable and the they've told me they need a safe
>> forum. The list already brought in a large number of people and we're
>> going to bring in various individuals and groups now, so as far as I'm
>> concerned, it's been good... and nothing is going to be perfect at
>> first either... so there's plenty of opportunity to learn.
>> - Serge
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Yours &c.


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