On 8 Apr 2010, at 9:42 , am12 wrote:

>>> Some of the examples comma separated into the 4 field format:
>>> South, ,1000 East, Street
>> Paul Johnson mentioned on IRC today the case of East Doctor Martin
>> Luther King, Junior Boulevard, which wouldn't work with this schema
> I don't think *storing* them as comma separated was the suggested scheme;
> it was just data samples in the email.  Storing them could/would be done as
> 4 fields, like TIGER.  In which case this street name works just fine.
>> I think the tag like
>> name= should really be consistent so tools can rely on it without
>> adapting to every single country.  
> Definitely.  If implemented, the 4-field breakdown should be in addition to
> the name= field.  
>> As for the different segments of
>> the name, there are already fields for them which we inherited from
>> TIGER, you'll find the "middle" of the name is unmodified in the
>> tiger:base_name= tag, the cardinal direction in
>> tiger:directional_prefix= and tiger:directional_suffix and the feature
>> type (Street, Ave etc) in type:name_type.
> Sure.  I think the suggestion was really just to take that structure and
> make it available/standard for all streets, not just tiger imports in the
> tiger namespace.
> So the example above would be
> directional_prefix=East
> base_name=Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior
> name_type=Boulevard
> directional_suffix=
> name=East Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior Boulevard
> Is it redundant?  Mostly.  Is it maximally informative and flexible?  Yes.
> I wonder if all areas that use a directional suffix put them after the name
> type ("Maple Street SouthEast"), or if some put them before the name type
> ("Maple SouthEast Street")?  In which case, the full name is not actually
> redundant but holds proper ordering info not in the separated fields.

my experience is that directional is a prefix not a suffix
as this discussion shows there is no definitive rule and the only way this 
could be done is to have full name on the name tag and and name:abbrev tag with 
the abbreviation used locally.
your tagging scheme is well meant but might be overly complicated to use.
I think converting existing names with a bot to 
name:abbrev=<abbrev name>
is quite safe.
as alternative it wouldn't be bad to keep the current abbrev names on the main 
tag because all geocoders use them instead the full name.
and use this instead
name=<abbrev name>
advatage is that rendering doesn't need to change and will use same stryle as 
all existing commercial maps.

> - Alan
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