i neglected to send these out last week, my mistake:


OSM US Chapter Call April 22nd, 2010
Kate Chapman, Thea Clay, Steven Johnson, Richard Welty

Approval of Minutes:

Kate move to approve, Thea second. Minutes approved.
Old Business
Code of Conduct

     * tabled until after Standing Rules are done

    Local Chapter Working Group

     * will inform Local Chapter Working group that we are incorporated
     * Kate will bring this up on our google group.

   New Business

    Bank Account

     * Thea working on setup
     * online banks to be investigated

   Wiki update

     * steven will take first cut at, thea will take second

    OSM US web site

     *   Time to work on this

   Parlimentary Procedures

     * (Serge's proposals are appended to the minutes in their original 

     * Board members will review Roberts Rules of Order before next meeting
     * Survey Monkey voting procedures will be fine for now
     * voting rules proposal: change general election voting period from 
7 days to 14 days
     * special election proposal adapted.
     * coin toss resolution replaced by vote by other board members to 
resolve the tie
     * removal of board members procedural change not approved -- Kate 
will research how other organizations handle this
     * standing rule documentation approved


     * Thea will take a first cut at a budget

     Membership management

     * Thea suggests Sugar CRM. Richard to investigate.

     Next Meeting

     * next week, 4/29 at usual time

Serge's proposals

  Voting Procedure --[[User:Emacsen|Emacsen]] 03:27, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

I propose to adopt the following rules for a voting procedure:

1) Due to the distributed nature of the organization, I propose
using the online service "SurveyMonkey.com" to hold all general

2) Voting shall be open to members and voting links sent out to
members via their registered email addresses which they must
supply during registration to the organization.

3) The period of voting shall in the case of a general election
shall be seven days. This period is based on the previous
election in which a vast majority of votes were cast during this

4) In the case of a special election, the period of voting shall be
two weeks (14 days). Special elections will include votes for
removal of board members, bylaw amendments and any other
election in which the Board votes that the election will be
considered a Special Election.

5) In the event of a board election vote where the result is a tie
between two or more nominees, a runoff election will occur
consisting of the candidates who tied. This election will last
one week (7 days). If at the end of this election, a tie results,
a board vote will be taken. If the board is evenly split (for
example if the board is missing a member) then the final tie will
be determined by coin toss.

* Removal of Board Members --[[User:Emacsen|Emacsen]] 03:27, 22 April 
2010 (UTC)

The bylaws specify rules for a procedure for removal of board
members. I propose to amend this procedure to opening votes for
removal of a board member to a single vote per year. This will allow
board members to be removed when they are guilty of an infraction or
unpopular with the organization, but prevents this ability to be used

* Standing Rule Documentation --[[User:Emacsen|Emacsen]] 03:27, 22 April 
2010 (UTC)

Normally standing rules are specified in the adopted motions of the
organization as specified in the minutes. I propose that in addition
to these, any procedural changes to the rules be specified in a new
document called the "Standing Rules", which will be a Wiki page
containing a summary of the rules and a link to the meeting minutes in
which these rules were adopted. In the case of a replacement ruling,
this document would document the current rule and maintain a link to
the previous one.

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