Driving around yesterday, I found the following unmapped feature:

A private dog training facility (Schutzhund club), with a building and 
training yard...

...in the middle of a mostly vacant field in an industrial area, which

...is diked, former marshland, which...

...is owned by a salt mining company, and..

...had been designated/zoned at some point as landfill and tagged 
as such in a bulk import (which I've since removed).

Of course I'd like it to be rendered in Mapnik and/or Osmarender so that 
Jane Q. Public can find it but, what are the "correct" tags here?

* It should have a boundary of some kind but the true physical boundaries 
are rather vague; two sides have an old fence but the others have levies 
with gaps to open fields.  

* It's not really a "dog park" but rather a private entity with dog training 

* None of the "landuse:" tags really seem to fit, especially for a single 
entity like this.

Could I call it a "pitch" for "sport:schutzhund"?    :)

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