On 5/12/10 10:19 AM, SteveC wrote:
> It's pretty bonkers. Anyone is welcome to join the LWG call each week or read 
> the minutes, and be as involved as you like.
> License changes will always throw up people who don't like it, and the LWG 
> has been going through peoples legitimate and illegitimate concerns for two 
> years I think it's been now. We've had lawyers checking everything at every 
> step of the way. So it's very frustrating for those involved after so much 
> effort to finally be able to make one step towards completion, and have 
> people throw stones like this.
> Because, after all if you do your homework CCBYSA is a total mess for OSM and 
> all the LWG is trying to do is fix that mess.
yes. i haven't really been following the licensing closely, but after 
the email from Chris, i went through the wiki page outlining the issues. 
from where i sit (as of this past monday, working at a major corporation 
that _may_ use OSM in a logistics application), this change is pretty 
much necessary for OSM to achieve its goals. my new employer runs all 
this stuff through their lawyers; they would probably not approve the 
CCBYSA and probably would approve the new license, as it rather exactly 
addresses the things that they worry about.

so i will continue to contribute to OSM and i will consent to the new 
license when the time comes.


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