On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 08:33 -0500, Lord-Castillo, Brett wrote:
> So, the real argument here is what is a bridge and what is a tunnel? Many 
> people considered depressed highways to be tunnels rather than the roads over 
> them to be bridges. I saw USGS topos mentioned earlier. Not all manmade cuts 
> are reflected in topo lines. Manmade cuts that are structures are not 
> considered bare earth and are left out. But then you get to the weird idea of 
> "are the sides of the depressed highway vertical concrete or sloped ground?" 
> and other such criteria.
> --Brett

What I used to distinguish a bridge from a tunnel is to ask, "Is it a
span or a pipe?"  A "pipe" puts (or leaves) the support structure around
the tunnel.  A span puts the support structure under the bridge.  There
will be some places where this becomes ambiguous, but I haven't found
any in my area.

- Val -

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