so just do another FOIA request?

On Jun 10, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Ian Dees wrote:

> I would say that at least 1/3 of the post office drop boxes nationwide have 
> been removed or pulled out of service since this data has been released, 
> making an import of the data both inaccurate (due to geocoding) and old.
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Kirk Ireson <> wrote:
> I was adding a couple local USPS Post Office drop box locations using
> Potlatch when I wondered if there was a public list of locations I could
> upload.  I did find that there was a release of 2005 locations that was
> released under the Freedom of Information Act.  There are 20 Excel files
> ranging from 14,000 to 65,000 lines in length each and it looks like they do
> have all the locations.  I thought it would be a good project for me to
> extract/clean up the data and geocode it for upload (only addresses are
> given in the files) and so would like to first seek feedback from the
> community before proceeding especially with regards to licensing, tagging
> and geocoding.
> ==== LICENSING: ====
> The data comes from here:
> The best information in regards to its release I can find is from here:
> Which is erratum of a Postal Rate Commission Docket, which states
> "In 2002, I submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the
> Postal Service for an electronic copy of pertinent information from the CBMS
> database.  The Postal Service declared that releasing information on
> locations and posted collection times of collection boxes would pose a
> security risk. I filed a lawsuit, and in March 2005, a federal judge ruled
> in my favor and ordered the Postal Service to disclose the data. In
> September 2005, the Postal Service provided"
> (and then is cut off)
> See also here:
> -Is this compatible licensing?
> -What kind of attribution is required?
> ==== TAGGING: ====
> Included in the released files is the pickup times of the boxes.
> -Should this info be included as a tag?  How?
> -Also, what kind of tag should I use to denote this is a bulk upload of
> locations, or should I just create a dedicated user account for the import?
> -How do I prevent duplicating existing positions already uploaded by users?
> ==== GEOCODING: ====
> -Can anyone recommend a geocoding service (that is, translating an address
> to latitude/longitude) preferably free or very cheap. Only one I've found is
> (since I can't use Yahoo's or Google's without using them
> on one of their maps), but I can only send one request per 15 seconds and so
> it will take weeks (since I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars).
> -Additionally, should I also cross post these questions to the 'imports'
> mailing list?
> Cheers and thanks for any and all help,
> ~Kirk Ireson
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