Why doesn't the talk-us list use the "reply-to" field so that simple
replies go to the list, not just the original poster?  The newbies
list does that.  Every other e-mail list I've ever been on does that.
So why not this one?

I know I can hit "reply-all" instead of "reply" but that still
requires me to remember that the list doesn't work normally.  Besides,
that still puts the OP in the "to" field, and just adds talk-us as a
CC.  That's not semantically correct most of the time.

How about a poll of list members?  How many of you would prefer to
reply directly to a list poster, more often than you'd like to send
the reply to the whole list?

I suspect that the "default" intention for most list members is to
send replies to the whole list.  (I could be wrong, hence the poll.)
If this is true, then the list settings really should be changed, so
that messages are delivered with a "reply-to: talk...@..." line in the
header.  It would save nearly everybody from occasional frustration
and frequent minor annoyance.

David "Smith"
a.k.a. Vid the Kid
a.k.a. Bír'd'in

Does this font make me look fat?

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