On Sun, 2010-06-20 at 11:04 -0400, Zeke Farwell wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Lennard <l...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>         On 20-6-2010 0:53, Val Kartchner wrote:
>         > So, apparently we have to work it out ourselves before
>         they'll even
>         > consider making the change.
>         The problem is that once we add a tag to the stylesheet, and
>         it starts
>         rendering, it is very hard to subsequently remove it for a
>         better
>         tagging scheme.
>         Especially now that there's this whole discussion on airodrome
>         tagging,
>         the quick request for aerodrome=rc_airstrip struck me as
>         "let's try to
>         get this one tiny aspect of that rendering". Implementing this
>         would
>         mean nothing for the abundance of airports now rendering in
>         mapnik, even
>         at lower zooms.
>         I would love to be able to render some at higher zooms only,
>         based on
>         hints such as a specific tag for airport size and/or
>         national/regional
>         importance. A good and non-arbitrary tagging scheme would be
>         the way to go.
>         So, now you know why I made those remarks on that ticket.
>         Discuss,
>         document, request rendering. Usually in that order.
> Yes, and we are currently in the Discussion phase.  When I have some
> time I'll try to get a proposal up on the wiki with the goal of moving
> things towards the Documentation phase.  I've never made a proposal
> before so I need to figure that out.  I also want to read over all the
> ideas thrown out in this thread first.  If anyone else feels motivated
> and beats me to it that's fine too.  
> As mentioned before there already is a general importance tag
> proposal.  Moving that one along would certainly enable airports to be
> rendered at different zoom levels. An airport specific tagging scheme
> may be desirable too though.  It may be useful for a future renderer
> to show more detailed information about airports.
> Zeke

I followed the directions from someone (I assumed to be) more
experienced with OSM who told me (quote):

>"i have a real problem with tagging highway=residential to get an
>airstrip to look "right". instead, you should tag it correctly and open
>a ticket to get the renderer fixed."

I changed the tagged RC runway then entered the ticket.  I have now been
enlightened as to the proper procedure.

- Val -

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