Your work on region 3 helped me a lot. Before I read your web post, I
didn't know that gpsbabel had an OSM output function. That, and ogr2ogr
are the only way I know to translate from the BLM shapefiles and CSV files
into OSM format.

I think each area will have to be hand-checked for duplication. The
wilderness area may already exist in the OSM database, and/or it may be
enclosed by another area that may need to be adjusted, as was the case in
the Mojave.

I expect it will take a good long time to complete the entire BLM
Wilderness Area database!


> I've already imported the wilderness areas for Region 3 of the Forest
> Service (Arizona and New Mexico), as that region has what appeared (to
> me anyway) high quality data. For example:
> So I would suggest you do it region by region and check you are not
> duplicating what might already be there. There is a section on the wiki
> that lists the status of Forest Service region imports.
> Andy
> Erik Burrows wrote:
>> I'd like to volunteer to import the rest of these designated wilderness
>> areas into the OSM database as a bulk import.
>> Any objections, suggestions, comments?
>> Thanks,
>>   Erik Burrows
> --
> Andy
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