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On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Sunburned Surveyor
<> wrote:

> - Could a suggested standard for OSM tags in the US be developed? I
> know the wiki has some information on this, but it can be hard to find
> and doesn't seem to be very detailed. It would be great to have some
> recommendations on how to tag OSM features in the US that would (1)
> help beginners get started, and (2) make conversion of OSM data into
> more traditional GIS data formats easier.

Tags are universal across countries. There shouldn't be any US
specific tags, or they shouldn't be independent of the other universal
tags. Was there something you were thinking of specifically when you
wrote this?

If you're suggesting creating beginner documentation- that's welcome
and something many people have suggested doing, so if you're
interested in doing it, go for it.

> - Could a suggested standard for noding and topology be developed? For
> example, where do I end a route, verus adding a route node? What rules
> govern how routes and other features are connected?

This sounds like documentation questions. I don't know what a "route"
is though, in OSM terminology. Do you mean a tagged road or do you
mean something else?

> - Would it be possible to set up regional or local committees to
> oversee the mapping efforts in the US? Would it be possible to
> consolidate efforts to obtain aerial photography and vector data from
> government sources?

This is a two parter:

There's a group called OpenAerialMap which is working to create a
repository of public photography data from a variety of sources. The
project is restarting and it's my understanding they could use some
coding help, if you have experience in that field.

As for setting up regional or local committes, I think that generally
would not have a positive effect on the project.

At the end of the day, we're a group of volunteers, and there's a
general consensus that OSM is a doocracy. He (or she) who actually
does it dictates how it's done. Yes, there's a little more formality
in that there's a foundation, and there's this chapter, etc. but
really at the end of the day the strengh of the organization is that
we're all mappers on the same level.

And so while I think local mapping groups are great (I helped found
one), and I hope that the national organization supports them, I
wouldn't be in favor of any kind of formal committee system. Those
kinds of bureaucracies  suck people's time and energy in meetings and
formal procedures. Ultimately, we want people out there having fun
mapping, and I don't think that'll happen from a structure which is
heavy on procedure.

So, yes to local groups. Yes to working with governments. Yes to
working with universities, non-profits and buisness. No to formal
structures and committees telling people what to map. That's just MHO.

> - Is it possible to coordinate OSM efforts with local, regional, state
> and federal agencies?

Yes, that's what the chapter hopes to do. By being a chapter of the
OSMF, the organization will be in a position to work with local
governments to get data, and hopefully have tools available to help
integrate this data in OSM.

> - Is it possible to improve metadata about OSM features? What type of
> instrument or method was used to create these features and what
> precisions are associated with these instruments and methods? Have we
> done any testing of typical GPS units used for OSM mapping?

Most of this is handled in the source tag:

You're free to add any metadata you like to data you add, as well as
suggesting new tags.

> I'm still interested in contributing more to OSM in my local area. I
> need to get some of the kinks in my workflow ironed out first. This
> might involve some open source code to move OSM data between OpenJUMP
> and AutoCAD.

> Hope that helps.

You've certainly pointed out a number of questions you have about the
project, but let me ask you two questions:

1. My initial question to the list was "What can OSM US (the
organization) do to involve the community more?"- I didn't really see
that addressed in your email. Do you have any thoughts on it?

2. Your email had a lot of interesting ideas. What plans to do you
have to follow through on them? And is there something you'd like to
community to do to help you follow through in achieving some of the
goals you mentioned?

- Serge

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