At 2010-08-04 05:17, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
The steps would be to download a XAPI query of ref=* for Florida and
then to use regular expressions to change the refs. I'm not quite sure
how to do the latter; JOSM doesn't seem to have a find-replace
function. Does anyone have experience with this sort of replacement
and can offer advice?

Yes, a find/replace in JOSM would be cool.

I've written perl scripts in the past, but these ad-hoc changes I've done as follows:

1. As you said, download to a file using XAPI. Save a backup copy of the file, too.

2. Open the file in JOSM and search for the regex that identifies the objects that you will change. Add some tag to them (e.g. foo=bar). This is done to add the action=modify descriptor to them. Save the file and close it.

3. Open the file in a text editor capable of regex replacements (e.g. TextPad). Search/replace your desired change. The count should match that in step 2. Save and close the file.

4. Open the file again in JOSM. Search for foo=bar. You should get the same number as in step 2. Look at your tag changes in those objects one last time. Remove the foo=bar tag from them. Upload (note the number of changes, which should again match step 2) with a meaningful changeset comment. Save the file and close.

Alan Mintz <>

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