On Tue, 3 Aug 2010, Val Kartchner wrote:

Here is an instance where there are several names for a street:
"Antelope Drive" is also "1700 South".  East of "2000 West" it is also
"State Highway 108", and west it is "State Highway 127".  Also, through
Syracuse it is signed as "Syracuse Road".  (I'm still investigating the
signs to see exactly what portions should be so labeled.)

This means that some sort of numbered alternatives need to be in the OSM
database.  So, which set of tags do we use: "name_*" or "alt_name_*"?
Whichever it is, it needs to be standardized.  This should be done

Sorry to cut the conversation short before.  Here is my opinion on the

If what you are getting at is that a particular stretch of streets has two equal names, than according to the wiki, use a single tag and separate them using a ';'. But I tried that and the render does not support it yet. I do not think using name_<NUM> is a good idea at all.

If one names clearly dominates than "alt_name" should be use for the
other.  For example many of the downtown numbered streets in Salt Lake
city apparently do have names on the sign, but they are in little letters,
and I have a strange felling that they won't even be recognized by locals.

Names like "State Highway 108" should never be used, instead it should go
into the ref tag, some have been using "SR 108", but I think "UT 108" is
better.  If a stretch of road has multiple numbered route, a semi-colon
should be used to separate them and I believe that the render _will_
recognize those.  If a road has no name, don't force one with "State
Highway 108", etc.  Instead use "noname=yes" (but this is not universal
yet, unnamed is also used amount other variants)

Also "what I road is signed as" should not be a hard and fast rule, especially since signs can be inconsistent or sometimes wrong. It should be more of "What is the road officially known as" along with "what will locals call the road". A sign is a good approximation of that, but its not always perfect.

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