Attached should be the other examples I was referring to.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Mike Thompson <> wrote:
> Alan, and I think some others, presented pictures of signs where the
> directional was closely associated with the address range.  I agree
> with them that in those cases there is a strong implication that the
> directional is not necessarily part of the street name.  Attached are
> some examples (only one attached now, others were too big) where I
> feel that implication is not present.  Note that the directionals are
> no where near the address ranges, and in one case the directional is
> the same size as the rest of the street name.  Also note that these
> are not streets where "N <name>" and "S <name>" run parallel to each
> other (i.e. the intersection test would suggest that the directionals
> be removed).  For example, at some point N Wilson just becomes S
> Wilson.  Also, local residents, businesses and governments sometime
> include those directionals when referring to those streets (but not
> necessarily all of the time, again, we all like to use short hand at
> times when communicating).
> Kevin has sparked a very good debate on this subject.  A number of you
> have convinced me that in some parts of the country TIGER has rather
> arbitrarily inserted directionals, and that in these cases they should
> be removed from the name tag.  I still feel in other areas the
> directionals should remain.
> Thanks

<<attachment: WEisenhower.JPG>>

<<attachment: NWilson.jpg>>

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