There was a super fun OSM meetup in Denver last night with about 20 people 
there. It was the second one (they're monthly now), hosted upstairs in a bar 
that did good food.


There are various plans to start running mapping parties and other events We 
need to make our zoo here in Denver as well mapped as DC or Berlin :-). It's a 
format that's working pretty well in places like the UK and Germany - regular 
meetings to chat OSM.

I think there are fairly regular meetups in SF? And in DC there is a geo meetup 
with an OSM slant (correct me if I'm wrong).

Is there anyone here from other major metros like Chicago? Seattle? LA? Boston? 
NY? Do you want some help getting a meetup started? It feels like the community 
is mature enough here in the US to begin regular meetups in most cities, 
publicize them on things like and get a community going. Each will 
have it's own goals per city of course.



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