Been on vacation and (mostly) unplugged the last ten days. What a treat to
return to the SOTMUS conference videos. Thanks for all your hard work, Dave.
"Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands from beans." -Empedocles

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:20, David Carmean <> wrote:

> This is taking more processing power and wallclock time than I'd
> expected, but I'm beginning the editing/encoding/uploading of the
> 2010 SotM.US videos, to:
> The small test video gives an idea of the technical challenges
> faced :)   Clearly there are some things we can do better next
> time to improve the physical space for video recording.
> The collective size of all the videos may exceed my 5GB weekly Vimeo Plus
> quota, so expect to wait up to two weeks for all ten videos to appear.
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