
The relation in question is http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/1124369 but hit a wall here. I cannot modify it (both Potlatch and JOSM time out). Isle Royale (which was my initial concern) is still missing on a couple zoom levels.

Before I continue trying to fix this it seems there are a mix of natural=water and natural=coastline for the Great Lakes. I'd like to have this consistent over the Great Lakes but am not sure which one to use. Please comment which one would be better/worse and why?



On 9/20/2010 10:20 AM, G. Michael Carter wrote:
It was brought to my attention there was some problems in Lake Superior area, but the problems seem to be all over the great lakes. There's a user, who's name I don't have handy, creating massive relationship objects of the great lakes. I think this might be sinking a lot of the islands. The island objects were last modified by this user in the cases I checked.

However, if you refresh the mapnik (aka /dirty) the tiles everything seems to be refreshing ok. Just wanted to let people know. If you find some area underwater refresh the tiles, before investigating.


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