On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Dale Puch <dale.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It would be nice to have a procedure for finding these problems.  Sometimes
> they only show up at low zoom levels due to the scope of the problem.  But
> some of what I have seen may be due to other tiles not being updated (next
> to the tile with the changed way)
> As I understand it some possible problems on area features are:
> extra items in the relation
> missing items in the relation/way
> reversed way (can a relation be reversed as well?)
> segments in the relation not actually connecting each other
> I have never managed to track down the offending feature so take this with a
> grain of salt.
> Is there an easy way to view the map tiles, and request one be re-rendered?

Usually forcing a refresh in your browser works. When all you change
is a relation, you'll have to append /dirty to the end of the tile
URL. Note that rendering may be lagged, so even the latter may not
show up immediately.

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