On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 2:19 AM, Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com> wrote:
> AJ,
> I'm not disposing of IRC, frankly I use it myself.  I'm just saying
> that there are downsides/upsides to both phone calls/email/IRC/IM/etc.
>  My real point is that new people probably don't want to argue about
> tags in the first place.  Many people come to mapping parties and say
> "what do you want me to map?"  Or I've also heard 'I don't care to map
> anything in-particular, but I want to help out."  If people really
> want to discuss tagging badly enough they will figure out whatever the
> form of communication is and deal with it.  Key is coming out of that
> communication is a guide that others can use.
> -Kate

I was playing devil's advocate to an extent.  :-)  Personally, I am of
the opinion that if you want to talk about tagging bad enough, you
will use whatever medium it takes to get the job done.  I know I will.
 I welcome all calls/IRC chats, and will try to participate in
whatever is set up, since I am one of the more novice people that
desperately needs to better understand the tags.

> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Al Haraka <alhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com> wrote:
>>> There are some people where IRC is a higher barrier to entry than a
>>> phone call.  All that aside though I think key is just to have some
>>> level of consensus and then have the information available in a clear
>>> place.
>>> New people don't care about arguing about tags, they just want to know
>>> how to map.  By making that easier and having standards documented in
>>> a clear way they will.
>>> -Kate
>> Kate, I understand where you are going with this, but I think the wiki
>> is pretty clear on how low the barrier to entry can be if there is a
>> web-based IRC-client.
>> http://irc.openstreetmap.org/
>> I personally dislike the idea of disposing of one avenue of
>> communication because of "barrier to entry."  I would say in this case
>> it means the people in the channel or on the call care enough to put
>> in an effort.  Either way, it costs time or money, regardless of the
>> choice.  I personally prefer IRC only for the reason that it is easy
>> to document everything that is said and done with minimal effort.
>> Someone has to take notes on a phone call, and sometimes those notes
>> can be inadequate or inaccurate.  That is my only reservation.  Of
>> course, IRC has its own downsides.
>> Whatever is decided, I welcome the idea of organizing.  I too am very
>> concerned about knowing how to map, and I see this as a positive
>> development.  Thanks to everyone for getting motivated about this.
>>> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Surely we're missing plenty of people by only having a discussion on the
>>>>> mailing list? SoTM.US proved to me that there are orders of magnitude more
>>>>> people interested in OSM in the US than are signed up for talk-us.
>>>>> The difference is that the people who care enough to talk about it and 
>>>>> form
>>>>> a consensus between those on talk-us and maybe even a phone call or two 
>>>>> are
>>>>> the ones that will actually make the changes to the wiki and renderers. 
>>>>> It's
>>>>> not that there's "one consensus" it's whoever gets a consensus faster and
>>>>> (most importantly) implements it.
>>>> You're getting a consensus of those who can get past the higher
>>>> barrier to entry. It's relatively easy to join a mailing list. It's
>>>> also relatively easy to use IRC, though you have to be free at the
>>>> proper time. It's a bit harder to participate in a phone conversation
>>>> - again you can't have anything else scheduled then, and you need
>>>> either a microphone or a willingness to pay for a long-distance call,
>>>> plus the ability to understand various accents (or half the meeting
>>>> will be "can you please repeat that? can you speak more clearly?").
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