On 10/19/2010 02:37 PM, Anthony wrote:
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Alex Mauer<ha...@hawkesnest.net>  wrote:
And I agree that street relations are a better option in the long run, if a
little silly for the majority of cases where a street consists of a single
way (and also a usability nightmare in editors).  But I also don’t think
that removing the names from every way in the hopes that someone will notice
the problem and fix the renderer would be the right way to go.

I certainly wouldn't recommend removing the names from the ways until
you have the names in the relations.  At the point where you do, sure,
they should be removed.  The idea that no one will ever create a
renderer which uses the names in the relations is ludicrous.

Agreed, but that does us little good when we’re trying to make a map in the present, using the tools we have now.

It would
be trivial to write a preparser <snip explanation>

Sounds good.  Why hasn’t it been done, then?

No matter how much you may wish it were otherwise, part of the current
standard system is to apply ref=* to the ways which make up the route. Once
the route relation is better, I’m sure people will start using that instead,
and stop using the current system.

What about the route relation needs to be improved?

Renderer support, and a decision about how to handle mixed dual/single-carriageway roads. Should it be one relation per direction plus a super-relation, or one relation with roles? In either case, validator support needs improvement.

—Alex Mauer “hawke”

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