I'm now making daily OSM data extracts available for the US Census Regions (as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Us_regdiv.svg) on download.geofabrik.de. I will not do a full US or full North America extract because I think it is too big (anyone who can process that might as well process the planet file), but I think the Census Regions might make sense to some.

I'm planning to add individual states later on.

The extracts are in .osm.pbf format exclusively, you will need Osmosis 0.27 or the new pbf2osm (see dev list) to process them. A modified osm2pgsql able to read these files directly, and more quickly than any bzipped XML, is on its way.


Being in a border region I often need to stitch things back together. Would it please be possible that the extracts are run without clipping incomplete objects so it connects correctly when merging?



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