Hi, all.

I've been working on adding some abandoned railway lines in my area, and 
I've been wondering how to group them together. The line I'm working on 
right now (the former Elgin & Belvidere Electric Co. line) has been re-used 
in some areas as public streets, bike paths, service roads, and even a 
railway museum, so I've had to break the line into quite a few ways. I'd 
like to group them back together with a relation, but I'm not sure if 
anyone's done this for an abandoned railway line, or if this is even the 
right thing to do. My plan was to create a new relation like so:

type = route
route = train
operator = Elgin & Belvidere Electric Co.
abandoned = yes

It's that last tag I'm unsure of. Is abandoned = yes allowed/understood in 


Kristian Zoerhoff

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