On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 19:56 -0500, Mike N wrote: 
> On 1/25/2011 12:14 PM, Nathan Mills wrote:
> > I propose to import the situs address points available from Geostor
>     In considering future synchronization cycles with point data, 
> several cases can be seen:

Yes, future synchronization could get hairy, especially if for some
reason I'm not around to make the future updates. I plan to keep a copy
of the current dataset around and also make a note of the largest
objectid thus far uploaded, so that when counties are added in the
future, it should be trivial to create an OSM file for the new points.

I checked for existing Karlsruhe schema address points in Arkansas.
Presuming the Cloudmade extract is not missing any, there are precisely
10, of which only 6 are overlapping, all in Pulaski County.

One is missing from the database on GeoStor, oddly enough.

Anyway, it's a small enough number that I can deal with those manually.

If there are no objections, I'm going to go ahead and upload points for
Washington County later tonight or tomorrow and see how it goes. If
nobody finds any problems, I'll upload the rest as time permits.

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