
First of all I'd like to say I'm from England so not a "local" by any means, so 
hope I'm not being presumptuous posting here!

Anyway.... I'm attending SOTM from England in September, and combining it with 
2 week trip to Colorado, aiming to do quite a bit of hiking when not at SOTM. 
hoping (altitude adjustment permitting) to climb Pikes Peak and do some hiking 
in the Summit County area.

I know it's perhaps a bit early, but would anyone be interested in principle in 
a mapping party in the Breckenridge area on the weekend of September 17/18 (the 
weekend following SOTM?) From what I gather from the web, there are *lots* of 
hiking and biking trails in the area, but only a small number are currently in 

Also, there's a spare bed if anyone is interested: I've booked a room with one 
bunk bed (rate is per-room not per-person) at the Fireside Inn in Breckenridge 
for 6 nights from Sep 16, so if anyone's interested in this (nearer the time 
perhaps?) let me know.

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