On 4/26/2011 12:50 PM, Ben Supnik wrote:
Richard's idea of building an NHD tile map for tracing seems very
do-able, but it wouldn't save a ton of time - every water feature would
have to be hand-traced, even though we do have them in vector form already.

I'm not at all comfortable with the concept of tracing data. (Tracing aerial imagery makes sense) How is tracing data thought to be any better than direct import? That somehow slowing the process down will add "Soul" to the process? Should we all plan to run around with Transits, and digging up survey markers so that we don't have to rely on those Soulless GPSs? And that way we can confirm administrative boundaries while we're at it. !?

I don't follow everything being explored in the NHD import, but Ben and others are asking the exact right questions and heading in the right direction in my opinion. The end result should be chunks of data small enough to allow local mappers to import and confirm a small area at a time. An expensive spatial check may be necessary, not only to be able to properly divide the import into regions, but to properly interface with data that has already been uploaded without duplication.

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