Ugg, sorry, I didn't edit the subject or erase all the other messages.
Here's a fixed version. :)

> > See a sneak preview of the Open Trip Planner, TriMet's new open source
> > multi-modal trip planner scheduled for release in Fall, and meet the
> > developers involved in the project.
> This is a very interesting project.  I recently began mapping and
> entering the local bus routes (which even Google doesn't have, courtesy
> of our local "closed data" policies).   I realized that my work is still
> useless to the general community because the OSM doesn't have a way to
> enter the schedule, and public transport schedules appear to be unwanted
> data.
>   Where is the OpenTripPlanner's schedule data stored?   Is there any
> way to get an early copy of OpenTripPlanner to work with it?
>   Thanks,
> Mike

Hey Mike,

I don't understand what you mean by local closed data policies. Maybe in the
past, but not anymore. Portland has some of the most open data policies in
the States, or so I've heard. See Trimet bus
routes are freely available to import directly, if you wanted. However, they
change a lot, so most trip planners draw that data in separately.

Most transit agencies, including Trimet, provide their schedules in a GTFS
format (General Transit Feed Specifications). This allows Google and other
trip planners to get the most updated schedules regularly. See There are also regularly updated shapefiles

For Trimet's purposes, OpenTripPlanner will be drawing from three different
data sources - OpenStreetMap for a base map, Trimet for route info and
scheduling (the GTFS), and an elevation data source. See You can contact OpenPlans yourself for more info
on OTP.

You can also demo OTP from Trimet Just keep in
mind that OSM is not updated with enough data for walking and bike modes to
be accurate. We're still working on that!

Hope this helps. Maybe see you at the Meet & Greet?
PJ Houser
GIS intern, 503-962-5711 (office)
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