On 5/3/2011 8:39 PM, PJ Houser wrote:
Sidewalks as separate ways.

I am working on some multi-use paths that travel on sidewalks for some
portions, like the I-205 corridor in Portland, Oregon. Mapping sidewalks
as a separate way is now an approved practice, and I'd like to do this
for the parts of the trail that become a sidewalk for awhile. However,
the approved tagging is highway=footway, footway=sidewalk. The trails
I'm working on are multi-use, thus they should be highway=path, so would
I need to add path=sidewalk to indicate they are a sidewalk?

If it's truly a sidewalk (rather than a sidepath) it should probably be highway=footway, with bicycle=yes (or bicycle=designated?) if bikes are allowed.

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