
I've been working a few months on a project which is now ready to
launch, the DC Sidewalks Project:

As many of you know, we have excellent new routing software, and it
does a great job for cars. But we also have pedestrian routing, and
right now we have very poor data for that in the US. I'd like to
change that, and I'd like your help.

What I've done is to create a customized PL2 instance which renders
streets and highlights missing sidewalk data. I also provide a
background layer of imagery, showing the pavement. From these two
things, you can determine if a road has a sidewalk, and mark it up
using a simple sidewalk={both|left|right|no} tag.

This will allow a router to determine if the street is walkable.

Right now the data is limited to Washington, DC, where the pavement
data is publicly available.

This project is more than about sidewalks. It's the first of its kind,
a customized Potlatch 2 instance with customized imagery, MapCSS and

I hope to be able to use this technique to make more custom PL2
instance sites, where mappers can focus on a single feature.

The site is going to grow and change over time, but everything there
works today, so after months of working on it, I'm finally formally
announcing it.

Happy mapping,

- Serge

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